P-04-490 Antiretroviral Medication in Cardiff – Petitioner to the Committee, 02.05.14. 


Many thanks for that.
As I stated earlier the 28 days prescription cycle is wrong and the Minister of Health only refers to the Wales implementation. Not to mention that probably not a single hospital in England is effected by this nonsense.
Furthermore please bear in mind that the hospital pharmacy is only open 3 times a week and patients are forced to march through the HIV waiting area exposing themselves and pick up the medication (if they do not opt for home delivery).
Under these circumstances I still prefer to have my treatment in London where I pick up my medication every 6 months.
Also this is VERY important that not a single HIV patient has to see a nurse or doctor every single months. They are just forced to pick up the medication on a monthly basis. This is totally unjustified.
kind regards